You may want to change the label used to display appearances, for example, an international club may want to change APPS to CAPS.
To alter the label used to display player appearances simply add the following snippet to your themes functions.php
function custom_appearances_labels( $appearances ) { $appearances = array( 'appearances' => _x( 'CAPS', 'Games Played (Appearances)', 'your-theme' ) ); return $appearances; } add_filter( 'wpcm_get_appearance_labels', 'custom_appearances_labels', 10, 1 );
function custom_appearances_names( $appearances ) { $appearances = array( 'appearances' => _x( 'Caps', 'Games Played (Appearances)', 'your-theme' ) ); return $appearances; } add_filter( 'wpcm_get_appearance_labels', 'custom_appearances_names', 10, 1 );