The League Table shortcode displays a league table anywhere on your site.
You can use the settings to customise the league table suitable for your needs.
Add a title that will appear above the shortcode. Defaults to no title.
League Table:
Choose which venue to display.
Set a limit to the number of clubs to display. If a limit is set and in Club Mode, the default club will appear centered. Defaults to no limit.
Show Club Badge:
Check this box to display the club badge.
Display Notes:
Check this box to display notes, if there are any.
Link To Clubs:
Check this box to link clubs to their club profile page.
Choose which columns to display in the league table. Available columns and column order are set in Club Manager > Settings > League Tables.
Link Text:
If Link Page is set you can add text for the link.
Link Page:
Choose a page to link to the shortcode. If selected a link will be displayed under the shortcode.
[league_table title="" id="" limit="" thumb="1" link_club="1" columns="p,w,d,l,f,a,gd,pts" notes="0" link_text="" linkpage=""]