The Player List shortcode displays a list of players attached to a Roster in Club Mode or a club in League Mode.
Using the settings you can display simple lists of players to charts based on performance stats, for example Top Scorers, Most Appearances.
Add a title that will appear above the shortcode. Defaults to no title.
Roster (Club Mode Only):
Choose which roster to get players from.
Club (League Mode Only):
Choose which club to get current players from.
Set a limit to the number of players in the list.
Choose whether to only display players from a chosen position.
Sort By:
Choose which value to sort the list by. You can choose from Alphabetical, Squad Number, Page Order or any of the active player stats.
Choose which order to display your list from Ascending or Descending.
Name Format:
Choose which format to display the player name from ‘First Last’, ‘Last’ or ‘F. Last’.
Choose which columns to display in your list. The columns available are dependent on the display settings in Club Manager > Settings > Players.
Link Text:
If Link Page is set you can add text for the link.
Link Page:
Choose a page to link to the shortcode. If selected a link will be displayed under the shortcode.
[player_list title="" id="" limit="" position="" orderby="" order="" linktext="" linkpage="" name_format="" stats=""]